14 November 2022 · 1 min read

Alex Tapscott, Managing Director at Ninepoint Partners, on The Digital Asset Revolution


Alex Tapscott is an entrepreneur, writer, and seasoned capital markets professional focused on the impact of emerging technologies, such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies, on business, government, and society.

Alex is the Managing Director of the Digital Assets Group at Ninepoint Partners, one of Canada’s leading independent asset management firms. Among other things, Ninepoint launched the world’s first carbon-neutral Bitcoin ETF (BITC:TSX). Alex is also co-author of the critically acclaimed non-fiction best-seller, Blockchain Revolution, which has been translated into more than 19 languages and has sold more than 500,000 copies worldwide. His latest book, Digital Asset Revolution, was published June 2022. In 2017, Alex co-founded the Blockchain Research Institute (BRI), a global think-tank investigating blockchain strategies, opportunities, and use-cases. 

Previously, Alex was an executive at the investment bank Canaccord Genuity. Alex is a graduate of Amherst College (Cum Laude) and is a CFA Charterholder. He lives in Toronto. 

In this conversation, we discuss:
- Crypto in Toronto 
- ETH being born in Toronto 
- BTC + ETH = most important technological breakthrough of the last decade 
- Leaving banking for crypto 
- Writing a book 
- NFT based storytelling and token-gated communities 
- @mv3nft NFTs
- Cosmos and $ATOM 
- Interoperability and bridges 
- Dollar MilkShake theory 
- Elon Musk twitter takeover 
- Big companies embracing public blockchains